Step by Step Pediatric Echocardiography

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Step by Step Pediatric Echocardiography

Echocardiography is ultrasound imaging of the heart. This third edition of Step by Step Pediatric Echocardiography describes the methodology of conducting a baseline echocardiogram in neonatal and paediatric patients. Divided into 13 chapters, the book presents different types of echocardiography examination, such as M-Mode and Doppler examination, followed by chapters on specific diseases including acyanotic congenital heart disease, cyanotic heart disease, acquired valvular disease, cardiac infections and myocardium disease. A list of pitfalls in paediatric echocardiograms and how to avoid them is also included. This updated and expanded edition features three new chapters on foetal echocardiography, neonatal echocardiography, and echocardiography in the intensive care unit. Enhanced by 97 images and illustrations including many encountered in routine clinical practice, Step by Step Pediatric Echocardiography is a useful quick reference guide for paediatricians and general physicians. Key Points * New, updated and expanded edition *3 new chapters *97 images and illustrations * Previous edition published 2010

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