Quantitative and Qualitative Determination Technologies of Counterfeit Drugs (Counterfeit Drugs Series)
Quantitative and Qualitative Determination Technologies of Counterfeit Drugs (Counterfeit Drugs Series)
Quantitative and Qualitative Determination Technologies of Counterfeit Drugs (Counterfeit Drugs Series)
by Ronny Priefer
Drugs are often counterfeited to reduce manufacture costs, while still marketing
it at as an authentic product. Increased incidence of drug counterfeiting is most
noticeable in developing countries, which may not have the resources to supply
counterfeit detection devices on a large scale. It is important to consider the
problems caused and to propose options for controlling and reducing the prevalence
of counterfeit medications. Various technologies are needed to identify the chemical
properties of a questioned medicinal product, which can then be used to determine
its authenticity. This volume focuses on current technological approaches that are
able to detect counterfeited pharmaceuticals.
• Focuses on current technological approaches that are able to detect
counterfeited pharmaceuticals.
• Assesses the chemical methods of identifying counterfeit medicinal products
and explains the theoretical underpinnings of the methods.
• Provides case study type examples of the application for analysis of suspected
counterfeit pharmaceuticals.
• Discusses the detection and analysis of counterfeit drugs, and appropriate
tools for combating this issue.
• The editor draws on his experience as a respected chemist and prolific author
in the field to provide this unique text on drug counterfeiting
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