Promoting Desired Lifestyles Among Adults With Severe Autism And Intellectual Disabilities: Person-Centered Applications Of Behavior Analysis

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Promoting Desired Lifestyles Among Adults With Severe Autism And Intellectual Disabilities: Person-Centered Applications Of Behavior Analysis


Promoting Desired Lifestyles Among Adults with Severe Autism and Intellectual Disabilities: Person Centered Applications of Behavior Analysis describes how clinicians, psychologists, and mental health support staff can best fulfill these needs. Using a person-centered application of behavior analysis, the book provides procedures to facilitate clients overcoming challenging behavior, pursuing good relationships, and making good choices, while getting access to all support needed. It provides information on staff training and supervision to insure staff motivation and client happiness. Ultimately, the goal is to allow client choice and personal control over daily lifestyle. Provides procedures to improve client lifestyle Uses person-centered behavior analysis Focuses on client choice and personal control Identifies staff training for improved client-staff relationships
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