Neurology: Self-Assessment for MRCP(UK) Neurology SCE

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Neurology: Self-Assessment for MRCP(UK) Neurology SCE

by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

You will find 1080 questions of different formats, distributed into five chapters. The book’s questions were written in many formats; best of fives (one correct stem of out five, i.e., single best answer), best of many (two or three answers out of ten stems), a single line (filling in a blank space with your answer), serial best of fives (one to four best of five questions about one patient), and best of five questions with photographic materials. Chapter four contains 215 MCQs in a true/false format targeting neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, etc. as well as clinical neurology. The objective behind writing chapter four is to retrieve your information rapidly. The single-line format tests the candidate’s skills in clinical decision-making and retrieving his medical knowledge. The last two formats are no longer used in many post-graduate exams all over the world. Comprising about 20% of this book, I included them here just for a diverse way of self-assessment. Chapters two and three were taken from my other books and MRCP courses; they include updates in neurology, and COVID-19 questions are also encompassed.

The first copy of this book, entitled “One Year of Har Work”, was in PDF format only and published in 2006; it was used by many postgraduate neurology bodies to examine their trainees. The work then progressed to an updated version, the first edition (published in 2016) was named “Neurology: Self-Assessment for MRCP(UK) and MRCP(I)” with 792 questions. Favorable and productive reviews and critiques made me write this second edition. As far as I know and have been informed about, many post-graduate neurology board candidates and diploma trainees in many countries have been using my book. I hope this updated edition will help strengthen your information and solidify your clinical approach.

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