Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology: Third Edition

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Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology: Third Edition

Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology, Third Edition expands on the success of the best-selling second edition to create the most practical and accessible ophthalmology manual for trainees.

With its succinct, practical text, profusion of clinical photos and descriptions of procedures, theMoorfields Manual of Ophthalmologyhas established itself as one of the most popular and recognisable clinical resources available to ophthalmologists and optometrists.

We have worked with trainee reviewers to collect feedback on the second edition which has been used to define the changes being made in the third edition, as follows:


  • Colour coded chapter tabs to improve navigation
  • Descriptions of procedures to be boxed and highlighted to make them more prominent


  • New Triage chapter at the beginning of the book to help trainees work through common presentations: 15 algorithms lead readers through key ocular signs & symptoms before referring them on to disease descriptions in relevant chapters


  • All content updated in line with current best practice
  • More Key Studies lists summarizing landmark trials and their relevance to clinical practice
  • Additional and replacement photos showing better, clearer examples of clinical signs
  • Additional colour diagrams depicting anatomic structures and procedures
  • Selective inclusion of less common diseases and treatments which reviewers asked to be briefly described

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