Low Back Pain and Sciatica A New Pathogenetic Model and Treatment Principles
Low Back Pain and Sciatica A New Pathogenetic Model and Treatment Principles
Chronic benign “back pain “, with or without sciatica, is a descriptive diagnosis hiding the mechanisms leading to this symptom. The literature still refers to it as a “non-specific” disease. Not surprisingly, both conservative and invasive treatments are inconsistent and highly subjective. The book aims to highlight the main pathogenetic mechanisms leading to pain based on a thorough analysis of the lumbar spine anatomy and mechanics (including its vascular content) and a selection of published evidence converging towards an original integrated model. The result is a downgrading of back pain from a “non-specific” disease to a symptom and clarifying the underlying causes.
The book presents an original pathogenetic model named CoVIn (Compressive-Venous-Inflammatory). The cornerstones of the model are a) the compression of nerve endings within the narrow spinal canal from disc herniation or arthritic spurs, b) local inflammation caused by discal material and/or local phlebitis and -most importantly- c) venous congestion of the Batson (epidural) plexus.
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