Handbook of Critical Care Nephrology

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Handbook of Critical Care Nephrology

Designed specifically for nephrologists and trainees practicing in the ICU, Handbook of Critical Care Nephrology is a portable critical care reference with a unique and practical nephrology focus. Full-color illustrations, numerous algorithms, and intuitively arranged contents make this manual a must-have resource for nephrology in today’s ICU.

  • Covers all essential topics related to nephrology in the ICU, including ICU monitoring, drugs and blood products, imaging, acute kidney injury, electrolytes and acid-base disorders, poisonings and intoxications, extracorporeal therapies, organ transplantation, and ethics and palliative care.
  • Provides valuable information on specific conditions including sepsis, obstetrics, abdominal compartment syndrome, AKI in burns and trauma, gastrointestinal bleeding, neurological emergencies, environmental topics such as hemorrhagic fever and terrorism, hematologic/oncologic emergencies, and more.
  • Includes easy-to-understand visual abstracts of key studies.

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