Gynecologic Imaging: Expert Radiology Series

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Gynecologic Imaging: Expert Radiology Serie


Gynecologic Imaging, a title in the Expert Radiology Series, by Drs. Julia R. Fielding, Douglas Brown, and Amy Thurmond, provides the advanced insights you need to make the most effective use of the latest gynecologic imaging approaches and to accurately interpret the findings for even your toughest cases. Its evidence-based, guideline-driven approach thoroughly covers normal and variant anatomy, pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, infertility, first-trimester pregnancy complications, post-partum complications, characterization of the adnexal mass, gynecologic cancer, and many other critical topics. Combining an image-rich, easy-to-use format with the greater depth that experienced practitioners need, it provides richly illustrated, advanced guidance to help you overcome the full range of diagnostic, therapeutic, and interventional challenges in gynecologic imaging. Online access at allows you to rapidly search for images and quickly locate the answers to any questions.

  • Get all you need to know about the latest advancements and topics in gynecologic imaging, including normal and variant anatomy, pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, infertility, first-trimester pregnancy complications, post-partum complications, characterization of the adnexal mass, and gynecologic cancer.
  • Recognize the characteristic presentation of each disease via any modality and understand the clinical implications of your findings.
  • Consult with the best. Internationally respected radiologist Dr. Julia Fielding leads a team of accomplished specialists who provide you with today’s most dependable answers on every topic in gynecologic imaging.
  • Identify pathology more easily with 1300 detailed images of both radiographic images and cutting-edge modalities-MR, CT, US, and interventional procedures.
  • Find information quickly and easily thanks to a consistent, highly templated, and abundantly illustrated chapter format.

Access the fully searchable text online at, along with downloadable images.

Get in depth guidance and stay up to date in gynecologic imaging

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