Comprehensive Textbook of Clinical Radiology, Volume IV: Abdomen

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Comprehensive Textbook of Clinical Radiology, Volume IV: Abdomen

  • Divides the contents of each volume into sections – to mirror the way you practice.
  • Includes topics like Paediatrics Oncology and Interventional Radiology in each section for a holistic approach.
  • Provides content written by more than 500+ prominent authors across the globe and further edited by more than 50+ editors of global repute.
  • Organizes the material in structured, consistent chapter layouts for efficient and effective review.
  • Contains heavily illustrated radiographical images along with additional CT, HRCT and MR correlative images.
  • Enumerates common vascular interventions.
  • Describes the adult pathologies, nephron-oncology and interventions in detail.
  • Differentiating points and practical tips are given with relevant images in the radiological approach chapter are unique to this book.
  • Contains special chapters like hernia, imaging approach in infertility and PET for prostate.
  • Comprises additional online chapters in each volume with online references and other ancillary materials which would make learning and understanding much easier.
  • Winco (Online) Medical Book Shop


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