Team Microscope Endodontics: Carr’s Guidelines to Best Practice

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Team Microscope Endodontics: Carr’s Guidelines to Best Practice

This book is a complete guide on how to use a microscope as a team for all endodontic procedures. Readers will learn how to create an environment where every clinical task is done efficiently with the highest level of teamwork. All foundational principles are covered including how to design a surgery, choose a microscope setup, position the equipment, train an assistant, perform all procedures using the microscope and – most important of all – develop expertise. Sample plans and training guides are discussed. By following the provided outline, both operators and assistants can learn all the skills for team microscope endodontics. Whilst this is mainly written for endodontic postgraduates and endodontists, other dentists who want to become experts in microscope use will find the book valuable.

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