Rare and Complex Urology

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Rare and Complex Urology


Comprehensive overview of current state research, diagnosis, and treatment within rare and complex urology

From the Back Cover

Rare and Complex Urology has been produced by the European Reference Network (ERN) for rare urogenital diseases and complex conditions, ERN eUROGEN.

The book combines information on network developments and clinical and surgical aspects, allowing for better diagnoses, treatments, and patient outcomes.

The expertise areas covered include those relating to the bladder, stone and kidney diseases, congenital malformations, pelvic floor disorders, the urethra, reconstruction, and rare cancers and tumours.

This is a must-have reference for clinicians and basic scientists interested in translational urology and surgery, including urologists, paediatric surgeons, and multidisciplinary team members seeking guidance on how to implement novel research.

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