Gynecology and Obstetrics Focused History Taking and Clinical Examination

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Gynecology and Obstetrics Focused History Taking and Clinical Examination

I believe that the main object of basic medical education is to train the student to talk
to and to examine a patient, in such a way that he can discover the full history of the patient’s illness and elicit the abnormal physical signs to reach a differential diagnosis and suggest likely methods of treatment ..

In this edition , I have attempted to describe THE STEPs in History taking and in Physical
examination .. So, I mention a history CASE SHEETs of many medical branches and I review all the chapters in this book , and add some OSCE stations that make this book one of the most important resources in HISTORY TAKING and OSCEs Stations. I hope this book will be more of a teaching book than just a text-book , which will be
read many times during your basic and higher medical training ..
The continuing success of this book indicate that it helps to fill the deficit that exist in the
other books..

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