Community and Public Health Education Methods

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Community and Public Health Education MethodsCommunity and Public Health Education Methods

Dr. Bensley is a professor in the public health program and Director of the eHealth Innovations Group at Western Michigan University. Over the past 31 years, his research interests have focused on using technology modalities as a means for influencing health behavior change. He is the founder of, the largest WIC online parent–child feeding education and behavior change program, which has reached over 10 million WIC clients across 50 states and tribal nations, and the author of the patented Behavioral Intelligence Framework. In addition, Dr. Bensley has served as PI on over 365 externally funded grants and contracts, totaling over $23 million, primarily supporting the development and implementation of technology-based health behavior change programming. Dr. Bensley was a Fulbright Senior Scholar in 2003 focusing on health promotion activities at the Nelson Mandela University in South Africa and recently served as the national president of Eta Sigma Gamma health education honorary.’

Dr. Brookins-Fisher is a professor in the Division of Public Health within the School of Health Sciences at Central Michigan University. She is foremost considered a human rights advocate who believes in health equity and the importance of all people in society. She developed a public health policy and advocacy course for health professionals and enjoys taking students to meet with legislators about important public health issues. Dr. Brookins-Fisher has been involved in health education at the local, state, and national levels. She has been on the national boards and associated committees for the Society for Public Health Education and Eta Sigma Gamma health education honorary and currently leads a statewide coalition for Healthy Democracy Healthy People. Previously, she has served on the board of the Great Lakes Chapter of Society for Public Health Education and the Michigan Organization for Adolescent Sexual Health and as the president of national Eta Sigma Gamma.

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