Communication Skills For Medicine, 3e

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Communication Skills For Medicine, 3e

This title was Highly Commended (Basis of Medicine category) in the BMA Awards 2005. A highly practical account of communication for medical students, backed up with numerous case histories. In addition to the clinical interview the book covers other aspects of communication including how to promote healthy behaviour and the need for the doctor to work as part of the health care team.

  • Reflects current importance of communication skills in curriculum.
  • Highly practical approach.
  • Accessible information with summary points.
  • Covers needs for both hospital and general practice setting.
  • Written specifically for medical students, unlike many of the competing books.
  • Additional practical examples.
  • More material on: professionalism; Mental Capacity Act; risk; the ‘expert’ patient.

Editorial Reviews


This is a beautifully presented, easy-to-read, up to date, evidence-based, practical guide to communication skills. This can be a difficult subject to convey – and engage the reader – on paper but the subject is alive on these pages. To be recommended to anyone who communicates!
BMA Awards, 2005 

About the Author
Margaret Lloyd, MD, FRCP, FRCGP, Reader in General Practice, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London; and Robert Bor, MA (Clin Psych), DPhil, CPsychol, AFBPsS, UKCP Reg, Director of Medical Counselling Unit, Psychology Deparment, City University, London –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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