Applied Radiological Anatomy
Applied Radiological Anatomy
This expanded new, full colour edition of the classic Applied Radiological Anatomy is an exhaustive yet practical imaging resource of every organ system using all diagnostic modalities. Every illustration has been replaced, providing the most accurate and up-to-date radiographic scans available. Features of the second edition: • Completely new radiographic images throughout, giving the best possible anatomic examples currently available • Both normal anatomy and normal variants shown • Numerous colour line illustrations of key anatomy to aid interpretation of scans • Concise text and numerous bullet-lists enhance the images and enable quick assimilation of key anatomic features • Every imaging modality included Edited and written by a team of radiologists with a wealth of diagnostic experience and teaching expertise, and lavishly illustrated with over 1,000 completely new, state-of-the-art images, Applied Radiological Anatomy, second edition, is an essential purchase for radiologists at any stage of their career.
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