Fundamental Principles Of Oxidative Stress In Metabolism And Reproduction: Prevention And Management

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Fundamental Principles Of Oxidative Stress In Metabolism And Reproduction: Prevention And Management

By Faiza Alam MBBS M.Phil. PhD, Rehana Rehman MBBS M.Phil. PhD

Fundamental Principles of Oxidative Stress in Metabolism and Reproduction: Prevention and Management is a comprehensive resource for anyone needing awareness and recognition of oxidative stress as a basic component of disease to determine the precise treatment plan considering the cause of the disease. It describes the effects of oxidative stress in the human body, the detection of metabolic changes, psychological impact and effect on reproductive outcomes. In addition, it discusses alterations at the cellular level occurring due to oxidative stress along with the genetic aspects involved in its pathogenesis.

  • Provides a holistic approach to the impact of oxidative stress on various systems
  • Incorporates recent advances in basic sciences for improvement in oxidative stress leading to better prognosis of metabolic conditions
  • Summarizes knowledge to detect oxidative stress for improvement of fertility outcomes

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