101 Clinical Cases in Emergency Room, 2nd Edition

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101 Clinical Cases in Emergency Room, 2nd Edition

By M.D. Zaheer, Badar M.

This edition lays out the management of critical emergencies such as STEMI, non-STEMI, and unstable angina. With the rapid growth of STEMI centres, the protocols and guidelines are very precise allowing emergency providers to save more lives. This book includes the new classification guidelines of myocardial infarction with an explanation of the different types of MI. Additionally, stroke guidelines are clearer than ever before, allowing for improved patient outcomes. It increases our understanding of sepsis management and the rule of 1-1-1 and it will also help clinicians simplify and manage complex emergencies. Presented in an easy-to-read format. Colour images and illustrations for quick and easy understanding. Provides comprehensive updates throughout using the latest guidelines. Universal management of most common cases seen in the emergency room, useful for medical students, resident physicians, nurses and all other healthcare providers.
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